Tag: biological dentistry

Biological Dentistry – Mayo Clinic Links Major Diseases To Oral Health

What does Endocarditis, Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes, Osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s Disease have in common?

They all have been linked closely to the mouth!

Your oral health no longer is just about shiny white teeth and good breath, but your entire health depends on it.

The bacteria in the mouth can be very dangerous and literally kill you. Read the Mayo Clinic Report below to learn more about how these diseases are related to your mouth.


At Ideal Dentistry we have understood this link for a long time and focus on creating a healthier you, not just fix teeth. Every patient receives a very thorough consultation which includes an emphasis on nutrition, one of the major reasons why the mouth is breaking down in today’s society.

Addressing the cause of the problems rather than just fixing them is they key.

Look at it like this:

You have a thorn deep in your hand, so you see the doctor to address the pain. The doctor sees that you have pain, swelling and some bleeding, so he/she prescribes antibiotics for the swelling, cleans the wound and puts a brand new bandage on it for you. What is the problem with this? THE THORN is the problem, not the infection, the swelling or the bleeding!

This analogy can be used all too often for Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease, Osteoporosis and almost all other major disease.

The solution? REMOVE THE THORN.

We live in a pill society, meaning, when we have a headache we take a headache pill, when we have a stomach ache we take a stomach pill, when we have a disease we take a pill created for the disease. A pill will not solve your problem, only mask it. To make it even worse, each pill has a negative side effect that then often is addressed with, you guessed it, a pill.We want a quick fix for everything (think drive through food).

A pill society is wonderful for pharmaceutical companies – it makes them a lot of money, but it is terrible for you.

So, to summarize, don’t put off fixing your oral health or it will slowly kill you in a painful, expensive process. Find a dentist that is not a tooth mechanic but rather a biological mouth doctor.


Natural, Green Dentistry

Green Is Good.

 We all know that by now. Most major companies are going green, people are buying green/natural products, and dentistry is no exception.

I built Ideal Dentistry on this philosophy, and it shows.  As mentioned in a previous blog entry, Ideal Dentistry won a national office design competition because I implemented major “green” building principals, providing an environment that is more conductive for both patients and nature.

Business First featured Ideal Dentistry this week in its “Green Business” section because of my approach.  I provide many natural dental alternatives to my patients, ranging from healthier tooth conserving fillings to natural oral care products.

Here is a quick synopsis for all those patients that want to know what the most natural home care options are for taking care of their teeth:

  1. Floss Teeth

  2. Brush Teeth

  3. Irrigate Teeth

  4. Mouthwash

  5. Massage Gums


a. Pull out 30 inches of floss. Wind most of that around the middle finger of one hand, and the tail-end around the middle finger of the other hand

b. Pinch the string between the thumb and index finger of both hands, leaving one to two inches in between. As you floss, continually unroll a one to two inch span of clean string from the finger that has the most string over to the middle finger of the other hand. Be willing to waste a few feet of floss so that you can practice.

c. Use your thumbs to direct the string between the upper teeth. Use your index fingers to direct the string between the lower teeth. The key to the whole process is the ability to use the index fingers and thumbs to manipulate the string into a C shape halfway around the tooth so that it maximally contacts the outline of the sulcus between the teeth. The string must go beneath the gums and as deep into the sulcus as possible while still not cutting the gums.

It does indeed take some practice. As you are flossing, notice there€™s a squeaky sound. This is good, it means they are getting clean. Don€™t hesitate to ask your dentist or dental hygienist to show you how to floss effectively. There€™s no substitute for a hands-on demonstration.

You can also use a Reach Access flosser which makes the above procedure easier!


First you need to make the toothpaste yourself!  This is simple but critical.

Ingredients:  XyloSalt (1 part) (Available through Dr. Hahn and local natural markets)

                            Baking Soda (3 parts) (OR order the soon available premixed XyloSalt tooth powder)

                            Colloidal Silver (just enough to create a paste) OR Hydrogen Peroxide (ONLY if you do not have any silver mercury fillings in your mouth)

Now place the toothpaste on your super soft toothbrush and vibrate the bristles gently at a 45 degree angle towards the neck of the tooth.  Do all surfaces of the teeth for 3-5 seconds each, or at least 2 minutes for the entire mouth.  This will harden your tissue making it a much better barrier!


Use a waterpick or like unit to irrigate between your teeth.  The two units I recommend are the Hydrofloss or the Viajet because they have the right attachments to reach into the sulcus around the teeth.  You should use a pack of XyloSalt in the tank of water!  Irrigate between all your teeth.  This should not take more than a few minutes.


Now that everything is clean you use XyloSalt mouthwash to draw out any inflammation out of your cells and nourish them.  Mix 1 pack of XyloSalt with 4-8 oz. of water (a standard water bottle).  Use this mix for 1 week, then dispose.  You can rinse as many times during the day as you like, but rinse at least twice, once each brushing.


Massage your gums with a Butler Rubber Tip.  Here is how:

a. Push the rubber tip in between the teeth €“ straight in €“ at the triangular piece of gum between the teeth, so that it slides up on top   of this gum triangle.

b. Push down (lower teeth) or up (upper teeth) as hard as you can, within reason. Do not cause yourself pain. Some discomfort may be felt, however.

You€™ll notice that the tip of the stimulator is at an angle. This is so that you can lay the half inch of the tip against the flesh between the teeth. Lay the rubber tip against the gum so that all of the rubber part is against it and stimulate. You€™re not just putting the tip end between the teeth. THIS IS A VERY KEY POINT.  Then gently massage the V-shaped gum area with the tip.

NOTE:  Imagine rubbing a small spot on your arm for a minute or two. It will get red, after you quit. What you have done is brought blood to that area. That is what you want to do with the rubber tip.

c.  Then, gently massage the V-shaped gum area with the tip. Push the rubber tip up, down or sideways left and right, circular for (10) ten seconds. Do this on the inside and outside of the row of teeth, wherever there is gum that lies between your teeth.

Move to your next tooth and begin the stimulating process again. If you still have all your teeth, you would have 60 places to rub (inside and out). So 60 x 10 seconds is 600 seconds, or at least 10 minutes of treatment time.

Now, before you decide that this is too much time, realize that after you learn how to do this, it could easily be done while reading, watching TV, while being driven in a car (we suggest you only do this in front of close friends) or after your evening meal. Time does not have to be your enemy. Be creative in finding the time to improve your dental health.

Note: To take a few minutes each day to properly care for your teeth and gums will save you many hours in a dentist’s chair.

This is the best way that I know of how to maintain optimal oral health.  Variations in this technique exist, but for starters, this is perfect.