Straight Teeth WITHOUT Braces in about 6 Weeks!
Straight teeth not only look better but also are healthier. Traditionally to get your teeth straightened would require a significant investment in braces, clear or with wires, and a long time commitment.
What if we could straighten your front teeth, top or bottom, in about 6 weeks?
What if we could straighten your teeth with an appliance you can remove when you like?
What if we could straighten your teeth at a fraction of the cost of braces?
Would you be interested in getting your teeth looking and feeling their best?
At Ideal Dentistry we are always on the cutting edge of dentistry, no pun intended. Invisalign is able to straighten teeth in a fraction of the time required by traditional braces.
After we straighten teeth we usually whiten them, do some minor cosmetic contouring and voila, you have an incredibly beautiful smile.