Beautiful Dental Implants in Louisville

Dental Implants – As close to a real tooth as you can get

Is Implant Dentistry for You?

Dental Implants replace missing teeth without the negative side effects of other procedures that could solve the same problem. With implants, your natural teeth are not damaged, and once the implant is finished, you will probably forget you even have it. The success rate is in the 90% range.

Why choose us to have your implant placed?

Ideal Dentistry focuses on providing you with the most comfortable, convenient and successful dental experience possible. You do not need to see multiple dentists or offices to have an implant placed – we do it all. From the day you have your private consultation where we listen to you and answer all your questions, to the day you walk out of the office with your new teeth ready to eat and chew anything, we cater to you and all your needs. Furthermore, Dr. Neal has a reputation for providing excellent comprehensive and esthetic dentistry. Our experience in managing complex cases and consistently obtaining beautiful results ensures that your implant will also be a success.

When we place your implant we have more control over where it is placed and how it is restored. The end result is a more pleasant, convenient, esthetic and longer lasting implant.

Dr. Neal places only premium implants, not the usual “clones” used by many other dentists (such as Implant Direct). Make sure you are getting the AUTHENTIC, brand name implant, not a cheaper clone – ask you dentist to see if BEFORE they place it. Please visit their very informative site for more detailed information:

Please feel free to call our office anytime with questions or comments. There is so much information available regarding implants that it can get confusing. We would be happy to discuss your unique situation, just call and make an appointment for one of our dentist to take a quick look at your teeth.

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