Over the last 10 years I have been researching natural alternatives in Dentistry, continuously seeking the healthiest form of treatment for my patients. Just repairing the problems that I encountered with my patients teeth seemed futile. It is not enough to just “fix what broke.” WHY did it break in the first place? WHY are your gums bleeding?
WHY are your teeth loose? WHY do you need a root canal? These are the questions I spend most of my time on. All too often our society seeks the MAGIC PILL to fix the problem. You can get a pill for anything and everything these days. Why? Because it is instant gratification and big business. As DOCTORS we need to look beyond the pill and “FIX THE PROBLEM first”. This does not mean that you do not need any medication, it means we need to find out why you may need the medication first and try to correct it.
For 2010 IDEAL DENTISTRY is expanding its focus on what we have quietly provided all along, ORGANIC DENTISTRY.
You may ask “What is Organic Dentistry?”, and rightfully so.
Organic Dentistry (my definition): Dental Products, Procedures, and Philosophies that focus specifically on re-establishing and maintaining the most natural environment in the mouth.
What makes IDEAL DENTISTRY Different?
We’re passionate about our organic approach to dentistry. Ideal Dentistry helps patients achieve an overall feeling of well-being using safer, less intrusive practices and products. Our passion for the organic approach to improved quality of life goes beyond the dental office and is seen in everything we do, even at home.
We don’t pontificate. We innovate.
Experience and credentials you can trust.
Care of teeth and gums and YOU. At Ideal Dentistry, we whiten and repair damaged teeth, create beautiful smiles, treat the gums and provide other dentistry services but do so believing that the mouth is the gateway to the total health of your body, mind and spirit. We focus on identifying the cause of the problem before trying to blindly repair it.
An engaging and interactive approach to patient care.
One visit to Ideal Dentistry and you’ll know you’ve come to the right place. There is a reason why our office won the 2009 Health Care facility of The Year award from Contract Magazine. This national competition sought out health care facilities that delivered an environment that is environmentally green and centered around building a comfortable patient experience. We are very proud of our beautiful facility and invite you to come visit anytime.
20 comments on “ORGANIC Dentistry”
Monica Kauppi
Happy to see that your are engaged in my favourite topic – natural, organic dentistry and oral medicine. I used to publish an international newsletter in English and German language called the Heavy Metal Bulletin. The website .(dotcom – in 5 languages ) is at present being updated but you can find some of my articles on the internet. I have been involved in the fighst against dental amalgam but later also against toxic and hormone-disrupting composites and other types of crap in dentistry (there´s a lot). In the 1990’s I started the project Natural dentistry and found wrote about plant alternatives, but also about Doxadent whichs was a decent bioceramic filling material launched 2000 in Sweden. Although many people still after 10 years have the material in their mouth and it is very suitable for the most sensitive people and dental personnel with acrylic allergy, etc., the material is since 2003 no longer available.
BUT I have not given up. We have started a Facebook initiative for all the people who want and need this material and I will try to start one in English as well.
What dental materials do you use? I would appreciate more information abour your work and experience.
Hoping to hear from you soon.
Best regards
Monica Kauppi
Dear Monica,
Thank you for your comment, this is a very important topic! Once your website is up I would love to visit it. There are a lot of materials in dentistry that are not “natural”, so it is important to minimize the dentistry in your mouth! That is my primary approach. I learned that no dentistry (preventative) is better than any material out there. So I have developed a unique approach and product line that focuses on natural/organic health, meaning remineralization, bacterial flora control, and inflammation control.
I will write more entries on materials for you.
Thank you for reading my blog.
Monica Kauppi
I like your approach! However, teeth do crack or break down and need repair. Therefore biocompatible dental materials are also needed. You use ceramic inlays – if I’m no mistaken? Please see Doxadent debate article published in April 2010 in a Swedish journal http://kemikaliedetektiven.se/Tf-bladet1_2010Doxadent-Monica_K.pdf
I will translate a summary so that interested patients worldwide can participate. Se also the old website (not updated since 2003) but the project “Natural dental materials” will be reborn soon I hope. I think I gave you the wrong e-mail address but I have corrected it now (above)
http://www.kemikaliedetektiven.se/hmb/ (Heavy Metal Bulletin)
m. cox
Concerning one w/receding gum lines, A dentists wants to extract a few teeth, allow the gums swellings to heal, and then replace some missing bone in the gum line, so as to insert some dental implants. It sounds like a good plan except: Nothing was ever mentioned as to healing the problem of the receding gum lines in the first place. What should one do to find a Dental Caretaker, who looks for the problem, before attempting to issue a resolution. Where exactly are you located.
M. Cox
Dear M. Cox,
I am glad you wrote! This is one of the most insightful questions I have had. Most dentists do seem to treat the problem without addressing the cause. This will result in more problems in the future, as you correctly pointed out yourself.
The “cause” of any problem needs to be addressed first. If your dentist can’t tell you why the recession happened and how he/she is going to fix it, then you need to see a different dentist, not a tooth mechanic.
I am in Prospect, KY. Feel free to send me an email detailing your specific problem and I will try ot help you. Or, you can come visit us!
Carolyn Parker
Dr. Hahn:
You did veneers for a friend of mine and her smile is beautiful. She is one happy lady! I have bone loss and gum disease. In this last year I have had most of my back teeth extracted on both sides and eating is pretty difficult. I have hairline cracks in both of my front teeth and I have no idea how long they have been there. My dentist filled and colored them a yellowish shade next a procelain cap that is white. Smiling is not an easy thing for me these days.
I have been told I may be a candidate for implants. My concern is that if I have bone loss already how long will the implants last? I really don’t know what to believe any more I just know I need to trust someone to come up with a plan I understand and feel comfortable with. I hope you can help me see you soon.
Dear Carolyn,
I am glad your friend loves her teeth! I am also sorry to hear you have been through so much dentistry without good guidance…You definately are at a point in your life where you need an honest opinion on where you stand, what ALL your options are, and which may be best for you. That is exactly what I do.
We don’t assume anything. After a very thorough exam including digital x-rays, digital photography, oral cancer screening, joint and muscle screening, occlusal screening and other essential tests, we sit down together in our consult room and show you exactly what we see. The good, the bad and the ugly 🙂 Then we come up with a personalized plan to rebuild your smile.
Please call us at 502-228-4585 and speak ot Lori about making a new patient appointment. I look forward to meeting you!
Fatoumata Jallow
I am a dentist and have always been a lot worried about modern dental practices, involving a lot of toxic products. I would like to know more about organic dentistry.
That is the first step…wanting to change. I will write more about this subject soon, but until then you are more than welcome to ask any specific questions you might have.
Karen Hallas
What specific resin composite do you use to replace the silver fillings?
Dear Karen,
I use several different resin types. The key is not as much the material but how much you use. A resin filling should be small. Large resins do not perform well and have many other drawbacks. Specifically I use Empress Direct and 3M supreme Plus as well as vit-l-essence.
The materials need to be great or it is just not worth placing in the first place!
Which mouthwash should I use? | Ideal Dentistry – Dr. Christian W. Hahn
[…] I created a Sea Salt and Xylitol Mouthwash for my patients. This, in my opinion, is the healthiest and most effective mouthwash available. Read more about this mouthwash here. […]
peter james
i had mercury fillings and many years ago had them replaced with white ones….
now i learn about the hormonal/estrogen problems with white fillings ,i want them out…….
are there any 100% natural type of fillings or is simply having the whole tooth pulled out an option?
thank you
There has been a lot of talk about BPA in white fillings, but I feel it has been mostly hype. Sure, every material has a little risk, but the research (from the doctors associated with the IAOMT) show little concern unless actual “raw” BPA is exposed. In short, I would not worry about the white fillings as much having read this research myself. Now, there are some filling materials without BPA, but, they have other ingredients that may also have issues…nothing is perfect. So, I would not suggest pulling out teeth as that would have far more significant consequences.
Dr. Hahn
I visited recently an Holistic dr., and he recommended me The Clifford Reactivity Testing Kit.
I would like to do the testing, because I guess a dr. could treat me by using biocompatible or (organic 70-80%) materials for my fillings or to create more customized treatment plans for my teeth in accordance with the material tolerance.
However, I would like to hear a second opinion.
Sincerely, what do you think about the Clifford Test?
Thank you and have a great one!
Dr. Chris
That test is “Very” comprehensive and hopefully it will give you some value. It has been my experience that it tends to confuse patients and dentists. What are you looking to gain from the test?
I thought like you few days ago, but I did some research about the fillings and implants materials which there are on the dentristy market, and it looks like, we do not have too many choices, when one faces the time to choose from. Because
there are 2 kinds of implants materials: one is titanium base with porcelain including veneer and the other one is dioxide zirconia (ZLook3 or 4) free metal base; everything is porcelain from Europe.
And talking about decay feelings, there are only 4 types to choose, and they apply accordingly with everyone situation,but there are not different materials to choose from: 1.amalgam fillings(50%Ag and 50%Hg)
2.Composite fillings(polymers)
3.Inlay (porcelain for midium holes)
4.onlay(porcelain for midle and lateral holes)
There are not different materials out there.
Then I thought why I should do a test that in reality does not solve my problem?
Maybe we should give them more time to create many materials,and after do the test…
Dr. Chris
The rest gives you a reactivity rating to the materials inside. Composites come in many forms with many different materials. Inlays can be gold, porcelain or hybrid materials. Same for onlays and crowns. Europe offers both titanium and zirconium implants. Both versions have pluses and minuses. What you need is a well informed dentist, not a test 🙂
Yes, you perfectly right!!!
I changed 4 dentists in the last 6 months…
They are not opened to conversation at all…They afraid that, if you ask too much details, you have in plan to go with another doctor for competitive prices,which is not my case…They prefer to take the cheapest decision for yourself, without asking you…It is sad, but this is the truth in my case…
Thank you for informing me about the Clifford Test!
Dr. Chris
No problem :). I find that getting into a price war with anything in life never works out. For this reason I have a fee for service practice and don’t take just any patient 🙂