Tag: full mouth reconstruction

Are You Wearing Out Your Teeth?

Teeth wear out, that is a fact, but at what age?

Are your teeth chipping? Are your teeth breaking? Do your teeth seem to look shorter all the time? How about the color – are your teeth turning more and more yellow? Are you having trouble chewing your food?

Assuming normal wear and tear without excessive grinding and clenching, you will have worn through the hard part (enamel) of your teeth when you hit 50. From this point on your teeth will wear 7 times as fast!

Within a short amount of time your teeth wear rapidly and begin to chip and break.

The last thing anyone wants to do in their 60’s or 70’s is spend days and a fortune in a dental office trying to fix their teeth. Time is the most precious asset we all have and while I have to be here in the office every day, you should not!

With teeth this worn the following issues suddenly become a priority:

  • You can’t chew correctly anymore – eating is not as enjoyable as it used to be
  • You can’t smile without people focusing on your teeth
  • Once the first tooth breaks you worry about all the rest breaking
  • Your chewing joint can’t function correctly and you now have developed TMD

So what can you do about this inevitable scenario?

Ideal Dentistry teaches all our patients how to escape the cycle that leads to this breakdown. Early intervention is the key, but what if you are already at the point where your teeth are worn down?

Ideal Dentistry has the experience, technology and master technicians to rebuild your mouth at any age. As a matter of fact, when all else fails and someone has a failing restoration of their mouth, they go online and do their research. Then they come to Ideal Dentistry. We seem to “fix” more botched dentistry then we would like to. A better option for patients would be to do it right the first time with Ideal Dentistry.

If you are wearing down your teeth and would like to save them, give us a call!

Keep Smiling.

Are You Outliving Your Teeth?

How Long Do Teeth Last?

Well, the average wear of teeth is about 0.3mm per year, so just when you are hitting your prime (50s) you have worn through the hard enamel (the strong outside layer of your teeth).

After the strong protective enamel is gone the wear will accelerate by a factor of 7! This means that while it took nearly 40 years for you to wear through the outside layer of the teeth, it will only take a few more to wear out the rest.

This all is of course assuming that you do not grind or clench your teeth, which most of us do.

Teeth are required for many things:

  • Chewing
  • Smiling
  • Speaking
  • Keeping Bone In Your Jaw
  • Opening Jars (just kidding)

Of course having worn out teeth also indirectly affects many more things such as your confidence level, social behavior, career success, nutrition, food enjoyment, sensitivity, etc.

Often worn out teeth are coupled with old failing dentistry that is further degrading your health through tissue inflammation that directly affects how you feel. Who wants to feel their age?

So what can you do about worn out teeth?

Rebuilding a mouth requires a lot of experience and should only be done once. This is not something your insurance will “take care of”. This is something you do for yourself with a dentist who has done this many times over.

Dentists call this a “full mouth reconstruction” as we are rebuilding form and function.

Rebuilding your smile is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Most of the time patients who rebuild their smile get compliments from people asking them if they had a facelift or new haircut – there is just something different about you that they like but can’t put a finger on it.

Here at Ideal Dentistry we do many smile reconstructions (as well as fixing many botched smile reconstructions). During the entire process you are involved which will ensure that the outcome is what you had expected, if not better.

Contact us today to get a complimentary mouth reconstruction consultation.
