General Dentistry

Ideal Dentistry – What Drives Us

We believe that there is a better way, a more personalized way, a more successful way to deliver dentistry and treat our patients. Dr. Hahn, a natural born problem solver, is passionate about helping patients escape the Dental Cycle (the continuous need for more dentistry over time at constantly increasing cost) and has created a unique approach to dentistry, Ideal Dentistry, focused on helping you prevent seeing the dentist.

We believe that dentistry is an art as much a science, and that every restoration we deliver, every filling we place needs to be as beautiful and functional as humanly possible.

We believe that a smile is a gift to you and everyone who you come in contact with.  A smile is as important to human interaction as words. We believe everyone deserves to have a smile they are proud of. At Ideal Dentistry we listen to you and help you gain a smile that is uniquely you, using the most conservative methods available.

The Dental Peace Program, created by Dr. Hahn to help you maximize your dental health and minimize your need for future dentistry, is one of the pillars of Ideal Dentistry.

Your smile is our reward.

Keep smiling,

Dr. Chris

Christian Hahn


How to select a Cosmetic Dentist

Cosmetic Dentistry is not a specialty. Every dentist advertises that they are a cosmetic dentist, so how do you pick a dentist to give you a beautiful, lasting smile?

After all, your smile is essentially one of your most important features! You spend a lot of time researching shoes, clothing, purses, cars, you name it. All these “things” come and go, but a smile is forever. Why would you not do your due diligence when it comes to something so important?

After practicing dentistry for over 15 years here is my opinion:

1. Experience does matter. Find a dentist that has proven he/she has a passion for cosmetic dentistry.

2. Walk the talk. The old saying: “Watch one, do one, teach one” really does apply. You cannot be a cosmetic dentist if you have not watched and learned how to do it, then practiced how to do it, and finally at the pinnacle of knowledge taught how to do it. If your dentist is teaching other dentists how to do it, then they probably know how to do it pretty well themselves. There are only a few dentists in the nation that are speakers on cosmetic dentistry. These dentists would be my first choice as a patient.

3. Passion Passion Passion. So, we all know that if you love what you do you do a better job. Does your dentist love what he/she does? Are they passionate? Are they excited to show you all the before and after photos of their work? Do they write blogs about what they do? Do they have a smile on their own faces? Do not, under any circumstance, ever, pick a dentist that does not like what they do.

4. Team. A dental office that provides quality cosmetic dentistry requires a top of the line team. I could not do what I do without my team, they are the best. Everybody from the front office to the assistant need to love what they do. If the team is not top notch, how can the dentistry be top notch?

5. Laboratory. Top notch cosmetic dentistry is not made in China, but that does not stop many dentists from sending their dentistry to China to be made. If you want a beautiful smile you need a top notch dental laboratory technician. There are several great lab technicians in the USA that can give you the smile of your dreams, but I guarantee you that any dentist that subscribes to in-network insurance here in Kentucky will never use them for one simple reason, and that is cost. You get what you pay for in dentistry. Like it or not, quality dentistry costs more money. Quality dental technicians are expensive. Quality materials cost more. Quality training for the dentist to become a top notch cosmetic dentistry takes time and money, quality team players cost money, and so forth. There is no way around this, you truly get what you pay for in dentistry.

6. Do it right the first time. Too often I see patients that come to me for a second opinion AFTER they had poor dentistry done. This only results in more discomfort, cost and time issues…Pick the best dentist you can afford now. Find someone that teaches you how to FIX your mouth, not just patch what is causing it to break down. There are ways today to prevent the need for dentistry for a long time!!!

So, when you are looking for a dentist, especially a cosmetic dentist, consider the facts above. Pick wisely…Dentistry is not a commodity, it is an art.  Do it right the first time and save not only on time and money, but frustration and discomfort as well.

Keep Smiling.

The New Age of Dentistry – Protect Your Health

Your mouth is a window to your overall health... you probably heard it before, but, how serious is the link?

The connection between your overall health and your oral health is deadly serious.

The age of the “tooth mechanic” is over. Dentists must be aware of the severity of oral disease and how debilitating it actually is. Science has proven a close link to infections in your mouth and your overall health. Treating this infection should be the number one priority! A dentist can dramatically improve a patients health by educating the patient on the links between their oral health and their body’s health.

Many health conditions are tied to your oral health. People often do just about anything to stay healthy – they exercise, eat well, see their medical doctor, etc., but often ignore their oral health.

Well, here is a short list of conditions related to the mouth, directly from the Mayo Clinic website:

  • Endocarditis – An infection of the inner lining of your heart. Bacteria enter through your infected, puffy gums and travel directly to this vulnerable area and begin destroying the engine that keeps you alive.
  • Cardiovascular Disease – Gum disease, periodontitis, has been closely linked to this killer. Clogged arteries and stroke are just one part of this disease that once again is linked to the bacteria in your mouth entering through infected and inflamed oral tissue.
  • Diabetes –  This disease is a double edged sword. People with diabetes have more frequent and severe infections of the gums, which in turn allow bad bacteria to enter and increase the severity of diabetes.
  • Pregnancy and Birth – Gum disease has been linked to premature birth and low birth weight. The bacteria in your gums that enters through inflammation and infection can actually cross the placenta! We do anything for our kids – seek out the best schools, best food, etc., but how about giving them a good start by preventing the dangerous bacteria in gum disease to pass through to them when they are in the womb?
  • Alzheimer’s Disease – Tooth loss before the age of 35, probably related to gum disease, has been related to this debilitating disease.

There are MANY more diseases and conditions related to the mouth. We simply need to find the common denominator – INFECTIONS of the GUMS! Too many terrible things happen if we ignore gum disease. It is called the silent killer for a reason…

So, take a step towards better health, today. Focus on quality dentistry, healthy gums, which will help you manage all the other diseases we face as we get older. Give your immune system the strength to focus on other parts of your body, not just your mouth. Find a mouth doctor, not a tooth mechanic. Get a dentist with a plan to treat the underlying cause of all the problems, infections in your mouth.

Keep Smiling.

Has Dentistry Failed Kentuckians?

Poor quality care seems to be “accepted as the norm” by most patients and dentists. If you have been reading my blogs then you know I am always pretty straight forward with my opinions. I tell it as it is – no beating around the bush.

So, when I received an extra large, beautiful, glossy mailer from a large local dental chain touting that they are “the area’s most trusted name in dentistry” (how do you determine that anyhow? Maybe we need to request their survey…), I had to bow my head and say a little prayer for all the patients I have seen coming form that chain to my office to fix botched dentistry

Trust is earned through years of meticulously high standards and impeccable morals. Below are some some facts about Kentucky a well as a short story written recently about managed care here in Kentucky. You be the judge…the most trusted name in dentistry…

  • In 2001, about half of Kentucky’s children had decay in their primary teeth.
  • In 2004, Kentucky led the nation in missing teeth among people age 65 and older.
  • Some 27 percent of Kentuckians of all ages had lost six or more teeth to decay or gum disease, compared to nearly 18 percent nationwide.
  • 46.8 percent of children ages 2, 3 and 4 had untreated problems such as a cavity or a missing tooth. That’s more than twice the national average.
  • Nearly 40 percent of these children had never seen a dentist.

PP: What are the market forces that have resulted in private equity-owned chains providing dentistry?

Heath: These days, when dentists get out of dental , they often owe anywhere between $200,000 and $300,000 dollars. Dental  is actually more expensive than medical . So they come out with these huge debts, in a lot of cases they can’t really afford to start their own practice.

These dental chains hire people, a lot of the time right out of dental school, and they pay fairly decent salaries and they have a bonus system where the more work you do on a patient the more you get paid. That’s true for a private dentist as well, but the difference is that these companies are owned by private equity firms, and they’re managed in a different way. You have people who are not dentists coming up with a business plan that’s based on metrics. They try to get new patients in who haven’t been to the dentist in a while, and they’ve already calculated how much revenue the average new patient should generate.

If you happen to go in and you don’t really have anything wrong with your mouth and you’re a new patient you’re not fitting the model. That creates pressure for the dentists to find things that are ‘wrong.’

Parting Thoughts

If you can’t participate in a quality group plan – either a preferred provider plan (PPO) or a Dental Health Maintenance Organization (DHMO) – the best way for most people to come out ahead on dental expenses is to pay for everything out of pocket. Brushing and flossing regularly, switching to an inexpensive electric toothbrush, getting professional cleanings every six months and going to a dentist who does high quality work that lasts for years can be the most effective ways to save money in the long run.

Read more:

There is unfortunately too much information on the web about the poor state of dentistry in Kentucky. I personally feel that any company that touts they are “the most trusted name in dentistry” here in Kentucky should take a closer look at what quality dentistry really is and how we can elevate the standards here in Kentucky.

Ideal Dentistry has taken a different approach, as actually recommended by the article above. We focus on you, the patient, and “fix” the mouth, not just breaking teeth. We get to the root cause of the decay and pain. Our approach fixes the gums, preventing gum disease, attacks bacteria that aid in decay, and treats functional issues of the mouth that result in wear in tear of your teeth. We stand behind our quality 100% – delivering the same quality care to you as we do to our own family. 

If Kentucky wants to keep being one of the worst dental health States in the USA, then keep it up: lower fees, lower quality, grow managed care offices that tout to be the “most trusted name” and ignore nutrition. BUT, if Kentucky wants to become healthier then I suggest we do exactly the opposite of what has been done! Let’s elevate quality, reduce the influence of managed care and put the focus back on the patient, not the insurance company.

For those patients looking for a better solution, Ideal Dentistry is here. When you are ready to upgrade to a healthier option, then come visit Ideal Dentistry and escape the dental cycle. We are serious about your smile.

Keep smiling.

Never Worry About Your Mouth Again

Would you like to know what it takes to truly be free of dental problems?

Would you like to have a healthy, clean, functioning mouth?

Would you like to escape the ever increasing need of dentistry and cost over your lifetime?

To achieve this you need to follow a plan developed by Ideal Dentistry to maximize your chances to stay out of the dental office, saving thousands of dollars and hours of time spent in the dental chair.

The gap between quality dentistry and patch dentistry is growing with this economy. Unfortunately only the patients loose, receiving worse and worse dentistry as the socialized medicine disease grabs hold of dentistry as well. Insurances are paying dentists less and less for their services, and contrary to medical practices, dental practices have a significant overhead associated with laboratories that actually fabricate all the indirect restorations. Cutting costs in dentistry directly translates to cutting quality.

The first question many patients ask their dentist after learning that their tooth is rotten and poisoning their system is :”does my insurance cover this?”. Well, no, they don’t, so let’s let the tooth completely break and cause a systemic infection that could land you in the hospital or worse. Maybe your medical plan will then cover it…

Sorry, I regress, but the problem of poor dentistry and poor dental insurance coverage of dental needs is an epidemic that has spun out of control. Learn more about this by reading past blogs I wrote.

At Ideal Dentistry we focus on you, the patient. If you have insurance benefits, that is great, we will try to maximize your benefits for you, but, we do not ever allow dental insurances to  dictate your treatment. Dental insurance is a benefit, not a true insurance. They cap their benefit around $1500 per year, a number that has not changed since the early 1970s!!! How is that fair to the patient and the dentist?

At Ideal Dentistry we serve you, not the insurance company. Nobody should dictate treatment other than your doctor. We create a plan to help you escape the dental cycle, fix your broken teeth and functional issues, address gum disease that is linked to many systemic health issues such as diabetes and heart disease, and finally keep your mouth healthy. Let us worry about your mouth, not you.

Follow the trifecta of Oral Health created by Ideal Dentistry and only available at Ideal Dentistry and become dental worry free.

Keep Smiling.

Addressing Dental Fears

Who loves to go to the dentist? I bet most of you would rather watch grass grow than visit your dentist for a check-up.

Why do people dread going to the dentist? My experience has allowed me to narrow it down to 2 main issues:

  • Fear of pain
  • Fear of cost

Many patients simply have had bad experiences in the past or have heard horror stories from their friends. We are, after all, a society that seems to focus on negative in our world – most people feel inclined to share and discuss how bad everything is…just watch the news!

So, realizing that these fears are real and won’t go away, how does a dentist address these fears?

Here is what I have decided to do with my practice, Ideal Dentistry:

  • Dentistry should not hurt! We have amazing methods that allow us to do just about anything without pain. For example, new topical anesthetics used properly allow for painless injections.
  • Taking your time as a dentist to discuss all aspects of the treatment sets patients at ease – no surprises! Listen to your patients concerns!
  • Quality Quality Quality! All too often I see terrible dentistry…bad fitting crowns, decay that was left, and fillings that do more harm then good. This is simply not acceptable.
  • Solve the cause first. Everything happens for a reason. Teeth decay for a reason. Teeth break for a reason, etc. At Ideal Dentistry we don’t just fix the resulting problem but we solve the reason for the problem, ensuring that it won’t happen again!
  • Prevention. Yes, it applies to everything in life. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. We intercept dental problem before they hurt or become costly.
  • Stand behind your treatment.Everything we do is done to our best ability. Should you have any problems at all just talk to us, we will fix it. Nobody is perfect, but we certainly try.
  • Minimize cost of future treatment. Fixing your teeth right the first time with quality restorations saves you ten fold what you spend in the future.At Ideal Dentistry we actually GUARANTEE that our restorations will last, as long as you follow a few normal maintenance protocols. There is nothing better than knowing you have the best possible type of dentistry in your mouth with the best chance of not needing it replaced or fixed for a very long time.

Ideal Dentistry is different because of the above qualities. We want you to get fixed and get out! I bet you would be much happier if I reduced the time you spent in my dental office and was able to minimize the time you would need with dentists in the future. That is our focus!

Keep smiling.

Bad Teeth = Bad Breath

Bad breath is a killer.

It kills dates, job interviews, friendships, and many other relationships.

We all know people that have bad breath and most of us would not dare tell that person about it. The truth is, we all have bad breath at times, but some people literally have bad breath all the time and don’t know it. How do you think that affects their life?

Bad breath has many origins, but quite frequently it is bad teeth, meaning decay, gum disease and misaligned teeth where plaque is hard to get off.

Bateria smell bad, and if your mouth is full of them it will “stink”. Decay and plaque are filled with millions and billions of odor producing bacteria that can make your mouth a cesspit. Getting plaque off your teeth is a challenge even if your teeth are perfectly straight. Most people brush about 1 minute twice a day. We, as dentists, recommend you brush 2 minutes twice a day, but what we don’t usually communicate well enough is that this recommendation is for people who have perfect, healthy teeth! IF you have crooked teeth, crowns, fillings, etc. then this 2 minute rule simply is not enough. It should be more like 4 minutes, plus flossing. Who do you know that brushes their teeth for 4 minutes?

So, how do you freshen your breath when you have crooked teeth? Well, we have a few great options that surely will dramatically change your breath and how you feel about your smile.

This is what I recommend at Ideal Dentistry:

  • Complete exam to discover the cause of the bad breath
  • Treat major gum disease first (infection) with Perio Protect trays
  • Clean teeth after perio protect trays as needed – deep cleaning may be necessary
  • Treat decay
  • Straighten teeth, rebuild function of mouth and smile
  • Replace bad dentistry that traps plaque and bacteria
  • Maintain function of smile with NG and new perio protect trays if teeth were moved
  • See dental hygienist at recommended interval and follow ideal home regimen

I hope you notice that mouthwash such as listerine, scope and other “mouth deodorants” are NOT on the list. Trying to mask the smell does not work for more than a few minutes and gives you a false sense you closure. The problem still is there and is getting worse! It’s kinda like that febreze commercial where they blind fold the person in a smelly environment and temporarily make the environment smell pleasant by spraying air freshener everywhere! The stink is still there, just temporarily covered.

Don’t ignore the cause of bad breath, it is a warning sign of underlying serious issues.

Following the above mentioned regimen will give you not only good breath that lasts, but also maximize your oral health and longevity of your teeth.

Keep Smiling.

How To Kill The Bacteria That Cause Gum Disease And Whiten Your Teeth At The Same Time!

Sound too good to be true? Yes, but it actually is the truth!

Dentists now have the ability to kill the bacteria that lives in and around your teeth, causing decay and gum disease, while at the same time whitening the teeth (a serendipitous side effect).

How do we do it?

Perio Protect! A new, custom designed tray that fits around your teeth and gums. This tray is filled with a special hydrogen peroxide solution (as well as possibly other medications) specifically designed to kill those bacteria and bugs that live deep under the gums. You simply wear it a few minutes per day and voila, your oral health reaches new heights.

I personally was so excited about the clinical studies that resulted from using this product that I myself am the first to get one!

Ever hear that saying “brush like a dentist?” Well, this kinda applies to everything else your dentist does in his/her mouth.

I am very excited about this product as my practice is built around minimally invasive, early interceptive dentistry. “Less is more” philosophy. So, if I can kill the bacteria that cause all the destruction, why would I not do it?

To learn more about this great system follow this link or simply stop by the office for a brochure.

Keep smiling.

Are You Outliving Your Teeth?

How Long Do Teeth Last?

Well, the average wear of teeth is about 0.3mm per year, so just when you are hitting your prime (50s) you have worn through the hard enamel (the strong outside layer of your teeth).

After the strong protective enamel is gone the wear will accelerate by a factor of 7! This means that while it took nearly 40 years for you to wear through the outside layer of the teeth, it will only take a few more to wear out the rest.

This all is of course assuming that you do not grind or clench your teeth, which most of us do.

Teeth are required for many things:

  • Chewing
  • Smiling
  • Speaking
  • Keeping Bone In Your Jaw
  • Opening Jars (just kidding)

Of course having worn out teeth also indirectly affects many more things such as your confidence level, social behavior, career success, nutrition, food enjoyment, sensitivity, etc.

Often worn out teeth are coupled with old failing dentistry that is further degrading your health through tissue inflammation that directly affects how you feel. Who wants to feel their age?

So what can you do about worn out teeth?

Rebuilding a mouth requires a lot of experience and should only be done once. This is not something your insurance will “take care of”. This is something you do for yourself with a dentist who has done this many times over.

Dentists call this a “full mouth reconstruction” as we are rebuilding form and function.

Rebuilding your smile is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Most of the time patients who rebuild their smile get compliments from people asking them if they had a facelift or new haircut – there is just something different about you that they like but can’t put a finger on it.

Here at Ideal Dentistry we do many smile reconstructions (as well as fixing many botched smile reconstructions). During the entire process you are involved which will ensure that the outcome is what you had expected, if not better.

Contact us today to get a complimentary mouth reconstruction consultation.


Adult Orthodontic Treatment – Function Leads To Proper Esthetics In Louisville

Alex Nguyen (an exceptional dentist), just wrote a blog post about adult orthodontics. His explanation of why adult braces are not only about cosmetics is simple and to the point.

Many patients feel they are too old to get braces – some don’t even know that braces are a treatment option.

Here is the blog post, reprinted with permission from Dr. Nguyen(original article here):

It is not uncommon that I recommend my patients to consider orthodontic treatments to straighten their teeth.  Sometimes my adult patients€™ initial reaction would sound something like:  €I am too old for that, and I never thought about the cosmetics of my smile€¦€

Having straight teeth is not ALL about cosmetics.

The misalignment of teeth can cause a variety of problems ranging from TMJ issues, to bone loss, to excess fractures and wear facets on the teeth.  This type of break down in the dentition can take many years to manifest. Unfortunately, sometimes when the patient starts to notice the problems, the solutions may require a complex combination of orthodontics and restorative treatments.

Properly aligned teeth actually follow very scientific principles created by nature to establish the most stable functional foundation.  When teeth are properly aligned, certain functional movements of the jaw allow for optimum chewing, relaxed muscle state, and ideal joint health.  The cosmetics of the smile is automatically achieved secondarily when the functional foundation is established.  Finding the right orthodontist is key to successful treatment.

Hence, when you choose to have orthodontic treatment done, you are stabilizing the most important aspect of the dentition:  To allow you to sustain life by being able to chew effectively throughout the course of your life span.  As the human life span continues to lengthen, it is extremely important to make sure that you will continue to have a stable dentition for your chewing needs.

In the photos below you will find a smile with €œcrooked teeth€.  Whereas the patient was never concerned with the cosmetics of her smile before, she has lately been concerned with the fractures lines and wear facets indicated by the red arrows.  Her question to me at the last check-up was:  €What would my teeth look like€¦say ten years down the line€¦€

My answer to her was:  €They would look more broken down, and you will also notice problems with the back teeth as well.€

So as you can see. My recommendation for this patient to choose orthodontic treatment was based on achieving proper function, and not ALL about cosmetics.